About the Artist and Liturgical Design: 

I have had the privilege and blessing to have traveled around the world and to have visited countless traditional churches that have had such a profound effect on me due to the reverence felt.  Hearts and souls  can only feel elevated towards our Lord when we experience beauty in a church. Often our exterior surroundings can have such a profound effect on our interior. My design and art background, the travels around the world, my international background of having a Latin American mother and a Swedish dad, have had a powerful impact on my view of the world and all of its beauty.

If we truly believe that God is present in the Eucharist, and in the Transubstantiation of our Lord and our God, then should not our exterior reflect this. I feel that when we walk into a church we should have a sense of awe, a sense that we are walking into a special place, to worship and to receive our Lord through the Holy spirit, in our souls and to our bodies with Him in the Eucharist, to literally commune with Him. Our surroundings should reflect this reality- that we are walking into a place that is fit for out King of heaven. 

 Something happened in the mid 1960’s that literally stripped much of the physical reverence and beauty from our churches, as if to strip the sunset from the sky in all that has been done. Churches have become a sterile place and conformed to modernism, which is always fleeting and always looks out of date instead of being still with God in the beautiful and traditional which is timeless and classic and most important reverent and fit for our King. When I walk into a church I expect and desire to be walking into an interior space that feels like an inspiring sunset, but so often, instead, I walk into a sterile large room that gave into modernism, minimalism, stripped of beauty. Simply, we give God our best, whatever it may be that day as we walk into the church. 

When did it become acceptable to only have “beauty” in a restaurant or a building, but not put forth the effort to do this for a church, leaving a church to feel sterile, unfinished, uncared for, the very place we go to worship our Lord. 

This all plays into our believing, the motions, the actions the surroundings. There should be no sterility in a church like that of a tree conformed to the season of fall with no leaves, but rather a feeling of fruitfulness like a budding tree filled with some color, life, beauty, a breath of fresh air, inspiring us to the breath of the Holy Spirit. 

Eucharistic belief and adoration is very low. Church attendance is low. There are many statistics to back this up. I truly believe that how we greet and receive our Lord greatly impacts our faith, reverence and adoration for Him. I am so thrilled and grateful to use my time, talents and my abilities to increase the beauty, to adorn churches, so that people may feel that they are walking into a special and unique place in the church and to allow it to affect their senses through beauty, and connect with God on a level of beauty through colors, words, images, patterns, beautified statues, beatified furnishings and fabrics. All this affects us so deeply, and my hope is that is affects and touches our soul in finding a deeper union with God. 

Together we can create whole designs, new designs, mock ups, designs within certain budgets in mind, color pallets, design custom art, images, beautify existing things. Everything is done with reverence, tradition and importance of symbolism and meaning in mind. 

It is crucial to have a design plan direction, clear vision and director to prevent a sacred room from turning into disaster with too many directions. Our desire is to make this project a peaceful and stress-free project for you, to allow you to enjoy the progress and finished project. We pour our hearts and time into design, finding or creating the right items top to bottom to achieve a beautiful sacred room to inspire others to worship in reverence! 

The Liturgical Dream Team!

 Services Provided:

 -Liturgical Design plans- designs, color pallets, furnishings and finishes all with an emphasis on beauty, symbolism, and traditional church beauty which leads to more reverence. 

 -Managing timeline and necessary workers to get the job done.


 We are a dream team consisting of Ingrid Bernard and Jaclyn Booth. 

Together we are in search for the most beautiful designs, items and finishes specific to your church’s needs.
We are a Liturgical Design Dream Team! 

Ingrid Bernard
Artist, Designer, Custom Designs and mock ups for spaces, Graphic Designs, Custom Painting, selection of liturgical items and more! 
Jaclyn Booth 
Eye for beauty and reverence, manages the construction and execution, keeps things on a timeline and has an exceptional building crew that can do the custom work required to make things happen! 

passionate. Catholic. artist